They Fight the Law and the Law Wins

They Fight the Law and the Law Wins

April 6, 2018

by Doug “Uncola” Lynn:


 I saw the tears of the oppressed—

 and they have no comforter;

 power was on the side of their oppressors….

 –  Ecclesiastes 4:1


In viewing the daily headlines and reading various online blogs, it appears many of these have converged into discussions on law and rights.  Two examples of ongoing national conversations include mass shootings versus the Second Amendment and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s preference for prosecution of process crimes in a bogus election hacking conspiracy, over a real investigation into documented corruption at the highest levels of American government.

On April Fools Day it was revealed the Washington DC permits for the March 24, 2018 “March for Our Lives” event were acquired months before the Parkland Shooting even took place. The irony is palpable.  One would think that would be the smoking gun (pun intended) evidence of a conspiracy, but no.  Nothing shall prevent the children from wielding their emotional wounds, like a Samurai sword in a Tarantino flick, against the Second Amendment; and Laura Ingraham’s right to free speech.

The very next day, on April 2, 2018, Deerfield, Illinois nullified the U.S. Constitution and gave their residents 60 days to turn in their guns or face fines of $1,000 per day per gun.

The day after that, on April 3, 2018, a previously undisclosed memo was unveiled proving illegal collusion between Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and his co-conspirator, Robert Mueller, in the special counsel investigation of President Trump.


An August 2017 memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to Special Counsel Robert Mueller surfaced late Monday evening in a court filing. Mueller used the memo to defend his scope of the investigation against a recent motion Manafort filed to dismiss his case.

 In the heavily redacted memo, Robert Mueller admits Rosenstein’s order appointing him to Special Counsel was intentionally vague.

 ‘This violates the special counsel law that requires a specific statement of facts to be investigated’, says Attorney Gregg Jarrett.


So let’s get this straight: Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller to be special counsel, signed off on at least one of the misrepresented, and therefore illegal, FISA applications on Team Trump for a counterintelligence investigation.  His aforementioned August 2, 2017 memo to Mueller is now being used to justify the July 26, 2017 home invasion on Paul Manafort after it happened.  Now Mueller is, instead, investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice for firing former FBI Director, James Comey.

As Fox News Legal Analyst, Greg Jarret has additionally pointed out regarding Mueller and Comey:


The two men and former colleagues have long been friends, allies and partners.  Agents have quipped that they were joined at the hip while at the Department of Justice and the FBI.  They have a mentor-protégé relationship.  The likelihood of prejudice and favoritism is glaring and severe.


This, even though the special counsel statute specifically prohibits those having “a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the investigation or prosecution.”

This whole special counsel fiasco is more incestuously disturbing than some hillbilly siblings getting hitched on the Jerry Springer show.



Furthermore, while reports of Trump’s fictitious collusion with the Russians continue to dominate the Lamestream Media’s talking points, the actual sale of twenty-percent of America’s uranium deposits to Russia, which resulted in the Uranium One payments to the Clinton Foundation, remains, shamefully, ignored.  This, even though it was confirmed by the New York Times in 2015 and Obama’s FBI and DoJ were aware of the crime:


Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill. The FBI Uncovered Evidence that Russian Money Was Funneled to the Clinton Foundation


 Who was the Director of the FBI at that time?

Robert Mueller.

Who led the investigation into the Uranium One sale?

Rod Rosenstien.

Now these same co-conspirators are investigating Trump? Like Batman and Robin gone bad, the real-life dynamic duo must be giggling like the Joker at how their plans came together.  Indeed, these Neros are fiddling while America burns.  Just yesterday, the Justice Department, missed the House Judiciary Committee’s deadline to hand over FBI documents on FISA and the Clinton Foundation.

What an extraordinary convergence of events.

At the same time the U.S. Government is being exposed as exceedingly corrupt at the highest levels, the Second Amendment is simultaneously under unprecedented attack.


But what about the law? What about the rights of U.S. citizens?  Well, obviously, those were only valid under the old, constitutional, plan.

The English philosopher, John Locke, once wrote:


The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.

– Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government, Ch. VI, sec. 57


Today we stand at the intersection of Liberty and Tyranny.  We’ve seen this final fork in the road coming for some time. In truth, we’ve taken many decades to get here.

Corrupt government officials, greedy bankers, corporate pirates, and profiteering politicians have hijacked the nation and shredded the Constitution; but they are not the only reasons for America’s decline.  They were, in fact, encouraged and facilitated by the decimation of American education; combined with manifest materialism and a pervading apathy in the hearts and minds of the people.

However, although the majority of the nation has abrogated their rights and responsibilities as free citizens, it doesn’t necessarily reflect negatively on the U.S. Constitution. On the contrary, it was great while it lasted.

From the times of the first songs, mankind has oscillated between civilization and savagery; from liberty to tyranny.

There are those who believe rights come from power because, after all, power passes laws. Moreover, in the example of the U.S. Government today, as well as third-world shitholes, power also breaks its own laws at will. It’s how James Comey decreed Hillary Clinton’s obstruction of justice as extremely careless”.  If only those who now stand convicted by Robert Mueller for process crimes could be so lucky.

Evidently, the government giveth at will; and the government taketh away.

The German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, believed the will to power was the main driving force in humans.  He was influenced by his Deutschland predecessor, Arthur Schopenhauer, who embraced Wille zum Leben, or will to life; which is, essentially, self-preservation.  Self-preservation occurs in both civilized and barbaric societies; yet by differing means and towards separate ends.

But where is power actually derived from?  A divine source?  A piece of paper?  The people?  The end of a gun?

If I said there were no real answers, per se, but only choices – would you agree?  Either way, cognitive constructs, like human governments, require the acceptance of certain principles, or premises.

Therefore, let us consider this foundational question:

What is the essence of mankind that separates his existence from lesser forms of life?

Plants are alive but they have no emotions or cognitive function.  Animals have emotions, limited cognitive abilities, and even emotional memory, which some define as a “soul”. But what divides Man from all other animals?



Is it not his awareness of the concept of Time? Isn’t that at the core of Man’s consciousness? Think about that for a second (get it?).  Without a perception of time, how could consciousness or free will exist?  Without a comprehension of a beginning, middle, and end, or alpha and omega, there would be no means for logic, reason, and volition to occur. Whether the understanding of time was a divine spark from a deity’s fire, or it evolved like magic through the ages, it now allows mankind to cognitively travel beyond this instant.  And, without that ability, the actuality of opposable thumbs would have provided zero benefit.

Now let’s mentally launch from this moment and consider mankind’s travails through history in relation to time and space.  Assuming Einstein was correct in proving these as commutable; is not volition, then, indicative of direction?

From the times of Eden, consciousness and free will was manifested as an understanding of “who”, “what”, “where”, and “when”.  In the case of Eden, we would recognize these, in order, as Adam and Eve, the apple, the garden, and a long time ago.  The canvas of spacetime, or at least an understanding of it, is required for the latter three. Adam and Eve, then, accordingly, were symbolically, or literally, representative of volition and, therefore, direction.

Perhaps it is direction after all, by which the standards of quality, morality, and common sense are defined; and by degree, as good and bad, for better or worse.

If all that were true, then wouldn’t authority simply be a matter of selective, or mandated, preference?  In other words, if time were a bus, we are either driving or riding, but we can choose this day what we will serve:


– Chaos / Anarchy – (Self / survival of the fittest / savagery)


– Constitutional Law – (U.S. Founding Fathers / Judeo & Greco-Roman canon)


Theocracy / Islamic Law – (Unseen or deceased lawgivers / Allah / Muhammad)


Martial Law / Dictatorship / Communism / Socialism – (Big Brother / the collective)


Of course there are other choices, including amalgamations by degree, but the point is this:  We are free to decide and if we don’t choose, then it will be chosen for us; in one direction, or another. For example, the first choice above, “chaos”, typically transmutes to “order” via the remaining choices (i.e. Ordo Ab Chao).

When considering authority, law, liberty, and free will, I am reminded of Victor Frankl’s book “Man’s Search for Meaning”. Therein, Frankl proposes three ways by which people find meaning in life (paraphrased here):


– Through one’s life work, creation and action; devotion to a cause


– Experiencing beauty and through loving others


– And, what Frankl calls the last resort of freedom (realized as he stood naked in an Austrian concentration camp):  Choosing one’s attitude towards any situation no matter how dire.


The first two involve making choices within the freedom to act.  The third involves a choice even when one is physically helpless.  Therefore, in EVERY circumstance, free will presupposes choice.  Whether by commission, or omission, decisions are made.  That is to say, some selections are conscious and others are made by default, or negation.  Either way, we believe, we choose, we act.  What we believe, therefore, serves as the foundation of our conduct.

Whether one supports Donald Trump, or not, there remains the possibility he could be the final gasp of a patriotic, liberty-loving minority in a dying Idiocracy of effete snowflakes who barely know how to unlock their car doors when the batteries die in their keyless remotes.

If Democracy fails, who will fight the Second American Revolution?  It’s a good question because, just as Dorothy was not in Kansas anymore, neither is it 1773 AD when the Sons of Liberty destroyed a shipment of tea in the Boston Harbor.  In our age of technological centralization, surveillance, drones, and advanced weaponry, our choices could be limited; if they aren’t already.

Even if things go allegorically south, and America descends into a Second Civil War, the post-industrial collapse will resemble neither the days of Lincoln and Lee, nor the ascendency of industrial civilization. In the new American collapse, EBT cards will revert from magic breadbaskets back into useless pieces of plastic faster than a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck. There will be rampant crime in both overpopulated and rural areas. Family will be pitted against family. Neighbor will rise against neighbor and battles will be waged over food and water.

Within the chaos, there will be voices screaming, in unison, for a return to order. This will, most likely, result in gang rule or little kings reigning over little fiefdoms. Or possibly, as many of the Christian persuasion are now predicting: A larger beast exiting stage left with a 666 tattoo on his forehead and a credit-card reader in his back pocket.

With the technological powers at the disposal of those in control, the key to centralizing power becomes easier than game of Whack-a-mole. Besides, when bellies become empty and smartphone batteries are depleted, who will fight? The Millennials who voted for Bernie Claus?  Of course not.  In a politically correct nation of participation trophy winners, most people will likely slip on any collar for a slice of bread and learn to love their new “necklace”.



What, then, will be the final destination?  I suspect it will be global communism: a day’s labor for a day’s rations; also called slavery.

From the time Karl Marx first dipped his quill pen into the black, the attraction of Communism to its adherent’s has continually appeared like cancer from remission; across all ethnic and national boundaries. The common desire, it seems, is for Man to create heaven on Earth; a longing no doubt derived from empty vessels and clouds with no rain; from flawed and spiritually vacated people promising paradise from the vacuum in their own souls.  In the end, however, the result is always the same: civilizational savagery, widespread violence, starvation, and death.

In another era, governmental checks and balances were the preferred choice. Why did America’s Founding Fathers prefer Constitutional Law over totalitarianism?  Why didn’t we?  These are questions for the ages.

The Catholic Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles J. Chaput, quoting the French author, Georges Bernanos, once wrote:


The world will be saved only by free men. We must make a world for free men.  When trouble is looking for you it’s primarily a question of facing it, since it would be still more dangerous to turn your back on it.


There are laws, like gravity, that are hard to fight.  It’s like standing on high ground watching a flooded river and waiting for it to recede.  Time flows forward and whatever happens next, virtue always points in the right direction; back to better. Some choices will be more valuable than gold and silver, or digital cash, in the days ahead.  Some laws may be inevitable but, at the same time, some rights are inalienable.

Beware the patient ones. They’re out of time.



8 thoughts on “They Fight the Law and the Law Wins

  1. Very well done Doug. You manage to present the dilemma it without stepping in the swamps of competing religions.

    I am rambling a bit here! I admit. Stream of conscious stuff. You talked here about free will. It is a very fickle and tenuous idea. How quick to many cast it aside for a bowl of rice and not even think twice. The genius of the Post Modern Strategy is that. rather than convince citizens of the benefits of socialism the movers and shakers have taken to turning generations first into slaves.

    The Meek may yearn to inherit the earth. Little to do know or realize though that soon after that day arrives, if it ever does, that they shalt be buried in it.

    Still I am turning towards optimism of late. I really think that things are going to get better.

    Call me a fool but that is how I see it.

    I will write more later once I think about it more.

    Thanks for writing this…

    We are all on this bus together,,




    1. I am not on your bus.
      After seeing who the riders had driving the bus, I jumped off a decade or so ago.

      Always scary to jump from a moving vehicle.
      It’s not going to end well.

      It *will* get better, but not before it finds bottom, and I’m not sure I’ll live that long.

      Trump is “Giant Meteor”. That’s why he was elected.
      As per Claudivs: “Let all the evil that lurks in the mud, hatch out.”


  2. A dilemma to be solved by who? Our creator provided us with a choice and my question is: who is man to force us into mindless slavery? I read this book: ” A Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frank and did a class report presentation and enthusiastically presented similar arguments depicted in this article….the moment of truth will come to all of us sometime…I am grateful for the trials and tribulations where choices were valued and appreciated helping me on my spiritual growth in the faith with my Savior Jesus Christ!
    Jesus paid the price of man’s fall on Calvary to deliver us from the slavery of sin…without Him and his Holy Word; practically would be impossible to face evil….look at how many millions are going toward the cliff of death because their mind, soul ,body and spirit have been hijack by the evil power of deception and fables of a false Utopia without laws, order and moral consciousness…where love lacks motivation to do what is right and beneficial for mankind. I hope you enjoy reading this article as well as I did.


  3. I just jumped off the bus. I spent a time paying off some debts and I quit my corporate job. I am taking to heart the injunction found in 1 Thessalonians 4:11, “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you…” I am going back to school to learn a trade. I am working with my hands and I am going to tend to my soul, not the affairs of man.

    I have arrived at the conclusion that I cannot change anything on a federal, state, or even local level. All I can do is live as the Good Lord directs and help those in my community. I have to be the salt and the light in my community, have faith, and try my best to not get caught up in the affairs of men.


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